

Hi, I’m Amanda, welcome to my blog, hope you stay a while and enjoy reading a few posts.

I mostly scribble about getting out into nature as much as possible. I warn you now I can be a little obsessive about this as I love being outside, on this small blue planet. Writing is a creative outlet, hence the blog, but so too is drawing (mainly botanical illustration – something I’m pursuing with ever more focus) and cooking. I’m attempting to live a more sustainable, less consumer based, environmentally conscious life. I’m probably failing horribly at times, but I’m trying. And so occasionally I’ll post an article or inspiring story related to these themes, Forest Man for instance.

I live on the West Coast of Canada of said planet with my boyfriend Scott in a tiny apartment that dictates a simpler lifestyle. We mountain bike as much as we can, cycle tour (a fantastic way to travel) and camp since there really is nothing quite like huddling in a cosy sleeping bag in the tent as you listen to mysterious night sounds, every now and then poking your head out to gaze at the stars.

The photos below were taken mountain biking. Swallowing great gulps of fresh air you can practically smell the oxygen emanating from the trees, tempered by the tang of mulchy goodness at certain times of the year. We hit White Rabbit trail one October day in Squamish, British Columbia. It’s a great ride, zippy and fun and a bit magical in a Hobbit world kind of a way.


White Rabbit Trail. Photo by Scott

Four hours or so of riding will brush away the metaphoric cobwebs that tend to build up over a busy week. And a hot bath never feels quite so good as after a muddy, sloshy, damp ride.

Verdant forest and clear stream





